Tuesday 17 September 2013

* Technological Advances

There have been many technological advances in film and trailers in the past few decades; Many of which are helpful with the creation of our trailer.

Special effects has made a huge advancement over the years and has become more widely accessible. With only simple software it is possible to make cinema level effects. This allows us to create our own effects for use in our movie, making it look much more professional. Also, there applications available for smart phones that would allow adding effects and filters to video easily and quickly.

The increased use and accessibility of TV means more people are able to see films and their trailers. This is also the same for the internet as a simple search will bring up a trailer for a film you're interested in on demand. Advertisements on websites and video sites such as Youtube mean that films trailers can gain an even wider audience.

The increased advancement in computer generated imagery (CGI) means that adding a computer generated world or effect to a scene has become easier and in greater quality. For example, the scene in The Matrix when Neo and Agent Smith lunge at each other in the air has a completely CGI background that is almost undetectable from the real thing.

1 comment:

  1. you need to go into more detail about the internet and how CGI is used in film, compare this in films you regard similar to your product.
