Tuesday 17 September 2013

*Target Audience Survey

These charts outline the demographic that answered my survey. I wanted those within the target audience to answer the survey as these represent those who would watch our film. This also made it easier to gather results as classmates in my year fit under this target age range.

From the results it is clear that the most popular film genre for this age group is fantasy so this will be the genre in which our trailer is set. We could also use aspects of other genres in the trailer/ film which are also popular such as small comedy moments and action. I believe horror was the least favourite as lots of people like horror films but they usually aren't as memorable as other films are. We could add some horror aspects of into the trailer/film but we won't as the target audience appear to not like that genre as much.

The target audiences favourite films were also taken into consideration. The favourite films usually fit within the viewers favourite film genre but this is not always the case as films from relitiverly similar genres are chosen, such as an action film being picked from someone who enjoys fantasy. This can usually be because they enjoy the action in fantasy films but this film had more action but lacked the fantasy setting. These films may especially be the reason this is there favourite genre o it would be a good idea to review trailers from these popular fantasy films listed. The favourite films in the fantasy genre are: Harry Potter series, The Lord of The Rings Trilogy (mentioned twice) and Alice in Wonderland.
The most popular hook of a trailer by far is an interesting plot. Therefore we should heavily describe the plot in our trailer but not giving away too much information that spoils anything past at most half-way through the plot. Familiar actors is another popular choice but this is much harder for us to achieve given the lack of capital for our project so this will have to be a miss. If we did have money to spend on the trailer/ilm then having a highly popular actor in a main role could be a big draw. Lastly action has some favourability so adding some action scenes within the trailer would attract some action film lovers.  Visuals didn't get any votes and this could just be to the fact that not all films need visual effects rather than not liking a film with bad effects so we cannot fully judge this either way; Adding some visual effects should have neither a beneficial or negative effect if this is the case. 

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