Tuesday 17 September 2013

*Poster - Shoot Reflection

Upon review of the images chosen for my film poster I believe they all fit a suitable standard of quality. The image of Corey sitting on the rock worked great when changed into a dark silhouette. The image of the sun when turned darker made the moon have a nice mystical glow to it. This was needed as taking a shot of a full moon wasn't available in our time frame so it wouldn't give the desired brightness.  The moon over the sun was added in post using a copyright free image from the internet. This image is available for free use by anyone so could be used on the poster even though it isn't my own photo. The moon added nicely to the scene and fits fairly well.

The model, Corey, was able to take on the pose decided and followed directions correctly and swiftly. Nothing went wrong with any of the cameras so the shoot was finished in a relatively short timescale.

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