Tuesday 17 September 2013

* Institution information

The British Film Institute could fund our film. BFI supports upcoming film developers by giving them financial support using money from the lottery fund. Film funding can be applied for and then received from the BFI if approved. We could use funding if we planned to create a short film or actually a feature film along with our trailer. The funding would be used to pay for all aspects of the film, from actors to cameras. However, we wouldn’t need to get funding as we have only created a trailer.
            The BFI also can help with the actual filming and promotion of your film. Instead of just giving you the money to buy crew they can also provide some crew to work cameras etc instead of you finding your own. They will work to keep your film cost effective so none of the money is wasted unnecessarily by providing competitive costs on equipment. A tax credit is also received for filming in the UK. The BFI can also provide training to help you improve your own abilities. The BFI uses the Film Skills Fund, the largest film-specific training fund in the UK.
The BFI will also handle the distribution of the film. The distribution of the film involves raising awareness of the film, improving access to the film so more people can see it and increasing the information available on the film to help people find where they can watch your film or even buy and download it post release. Raising awareness of the film involves the production of posters and websites etc that will help more people find out about your film. If nobody knows about your film then no matter how good it is it isn’t going to be as successful as it could be. Improving access to the film involves getting the film into as many cinemas as soon as you can. It also involves getting your film exported internationally to increase the accessibility and amount of people who have a chance to see it. Improving information on the film would mean the film would be visible for people to gain information on it and develop an interest for it. 

1 comment:

  1. proficient research into similar products through institutional information.
