Tuesday 17 September 2013

* Locations

Roche Rock

- Final fight scene clips
- Lanscape shots
- Other fight shots
- Corey walking / random plot shots

Wheel Coates 

- Landscape shots
- Other plot points
- Chase scene?

Perran Sands

- Landscape shots
- Any other plots pints
- Sidekick death clips?


These will be shots each of us take at home or our of school time that will provide extra filler

- Landscape shots
- Time-lapse

All shots will be away from modern life such as building and pylons to keep with the fantasy setting. Roche rock and Wheel Coates will be used to show the buildings around during the time period. It is common convention for a castle or tower to be used in a fantasy film and they can both pretend to be this.

1 comment:

  1. what will be filmed at each location and how does this fit to the conventions?

    proficient organisation of locations
