Tuesday 17 September 2013

* Legal Restraints

To allow a trailer to be show on TV or at a cinema ect it will need a film certification so no inappropriate content is shown to a younger age. The BBFC is charge or the classification of British film. The BBFC is a non-profit organisation that only charges to pay its staff and adjusts its pricing accordingly. They will provide a certification of age group so buyers/watchers of a film/trailer are aware of the levels of content within. It is mandatory for a film certification to be released with a trailer. The MPAA could also certificate the trailer and will award it a green band if it’s for all audiences, the necessary certificate needed to allow a trailer onto TV. A red band is given when a film or trailer is only to be shown when accompanying an appropriate audience who are in a cinema to watch a film of a restricted level. Also, a red band trailer can be shown on the internet. Trailers in the green band contain limitations on foul language and violent, sexual, or otherwise objectionable imagery.

We aim to keep our trailer in the green band as this way a wider audience can see it. Most films at least have a green band trailer so it can get TV publicity but some have both green and red band trailers. Similar films to ours, such as The Lord Of The Rings films, have a green band trailer. Also, the more people we can get to watch our trailer, the more publicity our film would receive. This would mean we must not use any foul language and limit the amount of violent, sexual, or otherwise objectionable imagery. 

1 comment:

  1. proficient research into similar products.

    could you say what other films are in the same area so that you could compare similar products that way swell.
