Tuesday 17 September 2013

* Props list

Bow and arrow.
We will need an authentic looking wooden bow for our trailer. We have an archer who may use a bow and a warrior who could use the bow at times. We do have a few bows that we have been lent by one of the actors who will use it and another by Jack Rowse, one of the students working with me on the trailer. 

Old Book

We will also need an old looking book for use in one of the scenes. We wuld need a book that could look like a spell book. Making one ourselves is a possibility but for the sake of Mise-en-scene it woud be better to find an authentic old book. We also have access to some other items that will work in conjunction with the book to create a witches table. We will need to find a table or somethings similar that we can place a rugged cloth and these props on.


We have been lent an old letter knife by one of our teachers for our love interest to unsheathe in one short clip. It will be used to resemble a small, old dagger. 

1 comment:

  1. how do these link to the conventions and appeal to the audience, and create representations for the characters.

    proficient organisation of props.
