Tuesday 17 September 2013

Trailer Analysis

The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug

purpose of piece
The purpose of the trailer is to reveal the main plot of the film without any major spoilers to create intrest in the film so the audience goes to see actual film when it's out.

target audience

The trailer looks to be aimed at those aged 12-20, as this is the main audience for fantasy film. The main gender aim I would guess is male as the action depected would be more attractive to males. However, the trailer does hint at a love story between two characters that may be attractive for females. The film also seems to be aimed at those who have watched the Lord of The Rings trilogy as the trailer features characters from it and is created by the same authors books/ director.


This trailers genre is fantasy. This can be seen as the trailer features common fantasy elements such as magic and dragons.


The trailer opens with a quick flash of the films production companys. It then fades away and the voice of the films main protaganist, Bilbo, begins talking. We then see Bilbo making his way down a corridor and then onto a pile of gold. We then see him talking to someone from a high angle looking down on him. He then mentions the name Smaug and we know he is talking to the dragon know as Smaug, the films antagonist. However, the dragon is not seen.

types of shot

Establishing shots - These shots show the setting of the film
Medium close ups - These show characters talking and their emotions


editing/transitions/special effects
The editing makes flashing fight scenes of mixed action and explosions to show the action. There is also slower paced scene which are more plot based.
Transitons between the scenes include fades to black shortly followed by a fade to another scene to show the little action taking place. The instant transitions happen during the high action.
There is many special effects such as explosions, green scened settings and CGI. The quility of the CGI makes the settings and CGI characters look entirely believable so emersion is not lost.


Some scenes have dark colours like black and grey with sometimes reds and oranges of fires. The darkness could simbolise fear or the unknown. Other scenes have bright outside coulors of green grass and blue skys.

The main narrative consts of Bilbo, Gandalf and the dwarves adventure to reach Lonely Mountain to reclaim the dwarves home and gold the the dragon Smaug has taken. There is also a storyline for Legolas and another elf which involves fighting many orcs and a possible love between them.

use of text/language

Text over the trailer tells the release date, so the audience know when they can see the film, and what the director previously made that was popular, The Lord of The Rings in this case. At the end is the films title followed by 'Coming soon'

voice over

There is no narration voiceover but some characters voices from scenes in the movie tell plot points while showing different scenes rather than them talking.

Dialogue between characters is short segments that give away hints at the plot.

Sound (effects/music)

The music for the trailer gets increasingly dramatic with a pause in the middle for a small joke/tease before contining the music until the final scenes where it all goes quiet and the dragon is partialy revealed for dramatic effect. The music then has a short dramtic peice at the very end before faiding out quickly. Sound effects of the cgi orcs and dragons are added as well as explosions which increase the amount of action in the trailer

Use of stars (e.g. actors, producer, director)

All the main stars from the film are given close ups at one point so the audience can recognise them and possibly watch the film just because they are in it.

1 comment:

  1. can you bring in audience theory and representation theory. Ensure that you also analyse two further film trailers

    Proficient research into similar products.
