Tuesday 7 May 2013

Masthead Design

Before I could create my front cover I needed a suitable name for my magazine. I wanted a name that related to the genre of the magazine without being to generic. I decided on the name 'Origin'. I chose this as it is short for original and my magazine would feature original, new indie artists. The name was a nice size and was rememberable.

The first step was planning the look of the masthead. I chose the colour palette of red, yellow and black as these were bright colours. I decided the masthead would look best in red as it isn't too bright but it would contrast my plans for a black and white cover image. I had to also chose a font to use and I wanted to use a fairly consistent font throughout. I looked on the website dafont.com for a suitable font.  I had used the website previously and have found some great fonts from it. I wanted a font which was easy to read but also looked bubbly and fun which would relate to the youth target audience and Hebdige's theory "Youth as fun". (Hebdige 1988). After some searching I found a few fonts and had to pick the best.

I chose these three font and had to decide on the best one for my magazine.
The first font was 'Chocolate G'. I chose this font as it was bubbly and rounded. The font was also easy to read. However, the font looked a bit childish and serious enough. I wanted something with a serious tone but a nice rounded font too.

Following this I found the second font, 'Conviction'. I liked this one as it was very easy to read but also looked serious. The font was rounded but still had the serious tone with the long letters and some sharp edges. The only negative I could find is that the V did seem to be less rounded than the rest which
didn't look too great. However, I wouldn't need to use a V in my cover so it should be OK.

The final font was called 'Origicide'. I noticed it while browsing and the title was relating to my magazines name. I like the serious tone accompanied by the rounded lettering. However, the I's looked very sharp and I decided the font would look better for a rock magazine.

After reviewing all of the fonts I finally settled on Conviction as it satisfied all my ideas. Here is the final look of my masthead.

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