Friday 3 May 2013

Evaluaton - Planning/ basic script

In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

I tried to follow most of the common magazine conventions during its creation. I analysed the works of professionals and looked at what was common in them. I didn't follow every convention I could find as I didn't want the magazine to look too common. I wanted a familiar feel but with a different edge on the already successful magazines.

How does your media product represent particular social groups?

My magazine could represent teenagers/ young adults. This is the target audience so the magazine follows the conventions and ideas that appeals to them.

Who would be the audience for your media product?

I chose the audience of student’s aged 11-19. I decided on this age group, as this age group is one of most likely to be interested in a music magazine. Teenagers typically only buy magazines so I wanted to attract the largest audience of consumers. However, my focus will be on this age range but ages older may find some aspects of it appealing, as the product will be mature and informative instead of using slang and gossip.

How did you attract/address your audience?

One way in which I attracted my target audience was to use a star model on the cover within the target age range. The star model represents the target audience as well as attracting those interested in the genre that may know who the model is. If they have interest in just the star model then they may be attracted to reading the article about them and buying the magazine.

What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?

For the distribution of my magazine I believe it would be best to go for an independent distributor as having a global publisher or media conglomerate would contradict the genre of magazine I have chosen. All artists featured in my magazine will be independent so it would make sense that the magazine is also independent. However, having a global publisher might mean more people are aware of the magazine and you can have a large audience. But by going with this type of publisher you might need to pay them a lot more than just going independent. So in this case, independent distribution is the best choice.

What have you learn about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

During the creation of my main task I have learnt many different techniques and skills. I used the photo manipulation on Photoshop in the creation of the magazine and learn many skills on this which helped give my magazine a professional look. I also used a professional SLR camera which I had little experiance with. I learn techniques for creating a professional photo with the use of focusing and lighting.

Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in this progression from it to the final product?

During this task I have learnt many new skills. I have learnt the mindset of a profesional magazine designer and the work that goes into a magazines creation. I have also improved my own skills in the creation aspects of a magazine, such as photo manipulation and photography. The skills I have learn will be useful in any future products. From this task I have learn my stonger and weaker points and know where I need to work on my skills. Overall I believe I have made progress since the start and have learnt lots of useful skills.

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