Friday 10 May 2013

Contents analysis


The first contents page I analysed was inside NME magazine. It matches the genre of magazine I would like to create. It follows the same target audience as the front cover.
In terms of imagery, the page features only one large image of a band that is situated in the top left. It takes up a lot of space but keeps the page from looking dull. The image also helps you find an article about them as under it you are told the page to find the article and some information about the article.
In terms of colour, the page uses a very simple colour pallet which makes reading the contents much easier. It does still look exiting and bright with the use of the image.
In terms of typography, the contents page follows the same single font convention as the covers. the font follows the colour pallet with some use of negative to make the subheadings stand out with white on black without the need to add a bright colour.

The second contents page I analysed was inside a Q magazine. It seems to follow the same basic design as the NME magazine.
In terms of imagery, the page features one large image and one small one. The large is of four men standing. It is situated in the top right of the page. It takes up a lot of space but brings some more colour to the page. The smaller image has the same effect for the lower half of the page.
In terms of colour, the page also uses a very simple colour pallet which makes reading the contents much easier. The images are the main colour on the page with the subheadings also bringing in some brighter red which makes them stand out. The simple style contents are easy to read.
In terms of typography, the contents page follows the same single font convention as all the other covers and the NME magazine contents page. The font is simple and allows the main focus of the page to stand out and allows easy contents reading.

The third contents page I analysed was inside another NME magazine. I decided to do another NME magazine contents as I found one that didn't follow the same style as most of the others.
In terms of imagery, the page features many different images which all lead to articles about the subject of the images. This gave an easier way of finding articles but meant there was less featured articles.
In terms of colour, the page still continues the use of a very simple colour pallet. However, the images make the page much brighter. This colour does make the page look fairly busy.
In terms of typography, the contents page follows the same single font convention as the previous contents page. The font still follows the colour pallet used on the cover and the other contents page.

After reviewing these contents pages I have found some common conventions I may follow on my magazine. The conventions are very similar to the covers but with a different design around them. The designs seem to favour the use of one large image and a simple colour pallet. I will follow these conventions when I create my own contents page.

1 comment:

  1. Ben's planning and research evidence is partially incomplete;
    ␣ There is basic research into similar products and a potential target audience;
    ␣ There is basic organisation of actors, locations, costumes or props;
    ␣ There is basic work on shotlists, layouts and drafting;
    ␣ There is a basic level of care in the presentation of the research and planning;
    ␣ Time management may not be good.
