Friday 10 May 2013

Contents Page Creation

The first part of my contents page creation consisted of me adding a masthead. I just chose a simple masthead and made it white against the black background so it was easy to read. I also added the magazine title in the top right corner along with the magazines issue date. I also created a layout for the contents page. I imitated the NME contents page I saw by adding contents on the right and a large picture on the left.

I then created the contents. I used the same colour pallet as the rest of the magazine and made all the contents in alternate colours to keep the page bright with colour. I left space at the bottom for a more important piece of content.

The final parts of its creation consisted of the image, caption, description and teaser. I added a teaser which enticed the reader to read on to the next page. It is about the article featured on my magazine cover. I then added the image. I wanted a simple close-up of a model to feature on the page. I added in the photo and applied a filter. The filter made the picture look more exciting than a plain picture. I then added a caption and a slight description of it.

Overall my contents page turned out fairly well. I think it is the weakest of all my products due to the dull image and bad spacing on the caption/description. However, it does still look OK and I am fairly happy with it. 

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