Thursday 14 November 2013


     1) In what ways does you media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

During the initial stages of the project I came across many conventions of the fantasy film genre. The main convention, which acts as a defining theme for the genre, is that the film genre evolves around and includes magic and the super-natural. Another highly used convention is the idea of good vs. evil where the evil character disrupts the equilibrium and then it’s the good guys that must fix the problem. There is usually a central villain or dark lord who rules over the evil characters while the hero of the good guys is just an everyday man. This brings up another convention, which is that, the protagonist in generally male along with the main villain. This leaves the female character to become the ‘damsel in distress’, another common fantasy convention. The hero or a notable companion usually has some kind of past or current relationship with the damsel in distress. The setting is commonly medieval esce with castles and towers and exotic worlds similar to our own.

I found these common conventions by analysing successful trailers that fall into the fantasy genre. By analysing the similarities between them I was able to work out common conventions. Also, during other stages of the product, especially ‘Genre research’ and ‘Style and genre’, I have researched fantasy genre conventions from other media such as TV and books while also gaining more knowledge of the film conventions.

I looked at current successful trailers such as The Lord of The Rings Trilogy, The Hunger Games and SnowWhite and The Huntsmen as these fell within the fantasy genre and achieved a goal similar to what our trailer hoped to achieve.

Different convention within the genre appealed to different aspects of the audience. Having the protagonist as just a seemingly ordinary man within the target audience range helps the all viewers within the target audience relate to the character. A damsel in distress could appeal to both moth and female audience members as the men like the idea of the man saving the girl as it makes them feel powerful, whereas women will appeal to the relationship the two characters have. The use of magic and evil mainly appeals to the male audience but may interest some females more than others.

The conventions were used to give us a solid plot line and appeal to the correct audience. If we did not use fantasy genre conventions then the people who would see the trailer as interesting may be expecting something completely different with the actual film. Many of the conventions define the genre so this would bring in fans of the specific genre of fantasy.

The main convention we changed was the idea of a ‘damsel in distress’. Another convention we changed was the idea of the main villain ruling over an army.

The damsel in distress was removed as we were aiming for a more male specific audience. We would lose some female audience members but the action in place of the relationship would hopefully attract more male viewers, which would improve the total viewership. The idea of a large army was changed as we wanted a main antagonist who was the central hatred of the audience rather then a set of minions, which may detract from the power of the villain, as he shouldn’t need minions to do his work. Both these conventions being remove helps to remove our trailer/film from the generic fantasy style so it is not too cliché.

The changes we made were fairly effective as it gave the trailer a more unique feel with focus on only two characters. Hopefully this is enough of a different approach to attract a large enough audience to make up for any lost audience from there removal.

·      - Magic and the super-natural
·      - Good vs. evil
·     -  Evil disrupts equilibrium and good must fix it
·      - Central villain
·      - Hero regular person
·      - Generally male hero and villain
·     -  Damsel in distress
·      - Medieval esce setting

·     -  Analysing existing, successful trailers
·      - General genre research

·      - Lord of The Rings
·      - Hunger Games
·      - SnowWhite and The Huntsmen

·      - Male audience – Male central role, damsel in distress = Power, magic
·      - Female audience – Relationship of female and male characters

    - Follow the genre
    - Plot that fits the genre

    - Damsel in distress
    - Evil horde

Tuesday 17 September 2013

*Poster - Shoot Reflection

Upon review of the images chosen for my film poster I believe they all fit a suitable standard of quality. The image of Corey sitting on the rock worked great when changed into a dark silhouette. The image of the sun when turned darker made the moon have a nice mystical glow to it. This was needed as taking a shot of a full moon wasn't available in our time frame so it wouldn't give the desired brightness.  The moon over the sun was added in post using a copyright free image from the internet. This image is available for free use by anyone so could be used on the poster even though it isn't my own photo. The moon added nicely to the scene and fits fairly well.

The model, Corey, was able to take on the pose decided and followed directions correctly and swiftly. Nothing went wrong with any of the cameras so the shoot was finished in a relatively short timescale.

Poster - Original Images

* Poster - Locations List

Location list

Roche Rock - Various areas

All shots will be away from modern life such as building and pylons to keep with the fantasy setting. Sinse it is just an images it will be possilbe to remove the backgound if anything modern is in shot. It is common convention for a castle or tower to be used in a fantasy film and they can both pretend to be this.

* Poster - Equipment List


Canon 60D SLR Camera

Costumes consisted of the wizard and warriors clothing as these were the only characters needed for the shoot. The wizard needed a robe and the warrior needed medieval clothing.

* Poster - Crew List

Crew list

Jack - Photographer

Chloe - Costume/Makeup

Ben - Model (Wizard)

Corey - Model (Warrior)

* Poster - Cast List

The cast list for the poster included those in costume during the first filming time. This consisted of just me and Corey as we are the main protagonist and villain of the film/ Trailer. No others were needed as the cover would show the contrasting morals of the characters


Ben - The Evil Wizard

Corey - The Warrior

Poster - Flat Plans

Need scan and upload

Poster - Target Audience Survey

Common Film Poster Conventions

Poster Analysis

Cover - Editing

Shoot Reflection

Cover - Original Images

*Cover Shoot - Equipment List


Canon 60D SLR Camera

Costumes consisted of the wizard and warriors clothing as these were the only characters needed for the shoot. The wizard needed a robe and the warrior needed medieval clothing.

*Cover Shoot - Crew List

Crew list

Jack - Photographer

Chloe - Costume/Makeup

Ben - Model (Wizard)

Corey - Model (Warrior)

* Cover Shoot - Cast List

The cast list for the cover included only those in costume during the first filming period. This consisted of just me and Corey as we are the main protagonist and villain of the film/ Trailer. No others were needed as we want to only show the main two main leaders of each side contrasting each other.


Ben - The Evil Wizard

Corey - The Warrior

Photography Lighting Research

Front Cover - Target Audience Survey

Cover - Flat Plans

Genre And Institution Research

Cover - Masthead ideas

Magazine Front Cover Analysis



Research Into Editing


Our film will have no budget to spend on the trailer creation as it will be non-profit project. We will borrow equipment and props from the school and home to achive our trailer.

If we were to create a trailer for a real film that would be shown in cinema then would need to aquire a budget so our trailer is up to modern standards. We could achive a small budget from film organisations such as the BFI who give money to upcoming films...

* Props list

Bow and arrow.
We will need an authentic looking wooden bow for our trailer. We have an archer who may use a bow and a warrior who could use the bow at times. We do have a few bows that we have been lent by one of the actors who will use it and another by Jack Rowse, one of the students working with me on the trailer. 

Old Book

We will also need an old looking book for use in one of the scenes. We wuld need a book that could look like a spell book. Making one ourselves is a possibility but for the sake of Mise-en-scene it woud be better to find an authentic old book. We also have access to some other items that will work in conjunction with the book to create a witches table. We will need to find a table or somethings similar that we can place a rugged cloth and these props on.


We have been lent an old letter knife by one of our teachers for our love interest to unsheathe in one short clip. It will be used to resemble a small, old dagger. 

* Equipment List


Canon 60D SLR Camera

Costumes consisted of the wizard and warriors clothing as these were the only characters needed for the shoot. The wizard needed a robe and the warrior needed medieval clothing.

* Crew List

Make-Up + Wardrobe

Chloe Hughes
 Jack Rowse


Jack Rowse - Main shots
Ben Bellenger - Track cam of ladscapes
Chloe Hughes - Alternate angles


Ben Bellenger


Corey Smith

*Makeup And Special Effects

The wizard will need some makeup on him so we can get a scar on one side of his face. This will need to be  added using liquid latex. Makeup will also be applied around the scar to blend it into the face.

(Picture of scar)

We may add some special effects in the trailer. These can be added automatically with apps on the iPods or will be added in post during the editing process.

*Costume Sketches And Ideas


Wizard's Robe Costumes

The wizard costume needs to be a darker colour from the warrior to connote evil. It will be some sort or robe that covers full body.


The warriors costume must be brightly coloured to show he is good. He needs to look a bit like a traditional medieval peasant but may also have some body armour for protection.


The archers costume will also have bright colours to connote goodness. It will most likely be a short dress and a hood for stealth.

* Cast List

Warrior - Corey Smith

Wizard - Ben Bellenger

* Locations

Roche Rock

- Final fight scene clips
- Lanscape shots
- Other fight shots
- Corey walking / random plot shots

Wheel Coates 

- Landscape shots
- Other plot points
- Chase scene?

Perran Sands

- Landscape shots
- Any other plots pints
- Sidekick death clips?


These will be shots each of us take at home or our of school time that will provide extra filler

- Landscape shots
- Time-lapse

All shots will be away from modern life such as building and pylons to keep with the fantasy setting. Roche rock and Wheel Coates will be used to show the buildings around during the time period. It is common convention for a castle or tower to be used in a fantasy film and they can both pretend to be this.