Friday 1 February 2013

Prelim: Photo shoot evaluation

Analysing my photographic practice 

The first part of the prelim task involved the creation of a college magazine front cover. The prelim task stated the the front cover of the magazine should include a medium shot as this is a common convention in magazines.  This shot was taken on location in a hallway using natural light. I chose a model who represented my target audience as it as it could show who the target audience of the magazine is and give an idea of what it's about. In terms of mode of address I have asked the model to stand casually. This connotes Hebdige's idea of 'Youth as fun. Youth as trouble" (1979). I chose to use this image to use on my final cover as the lighting on the model is very nice and it is in focus. When I put the picture on the cover I removed the sides so the images is portrait and the door is removed.

The next part of the prelim task was to create a contents page. I wanted a shot of a student having fun while in school. I chose to take this photo as it is very colourful and shows a student having fun. However the images has a busy background and the colours in the background distract from the action. The colours of the balls also match the colours of the school logo. I still decided to use this in my contents page but removed the background in photoshop before adding it to the contents page. I used a white background instead so the contents  could stand out and the image  is not so busy in the background making the main focus back on the student and the pool table.

This images was going to be on my contents page but I decided it was too out of focus and it is too busy. If I did get a correctly focus image I would still not use it as it would be hard to read any writing that I place on top due to the many colours of the picture. The image is not very interesting and all the colours are very dull. The sky in the background is very cloudy and removes from the idea of "Youth as fun".

This images is fairly in focus but the lighting isn't very good so the it is too dark. The image has many colours and the main subject is one of the darkest so it doesn't stand out. This image is not suitable for use in the final magazine.

This image is focus on this image is not too bad as it only has the pool table and model in focus. However the background is very busy and includes a lot of colour. This may make adding the contents over the top hard to see. The overall photo is not too bad but the other similar photo is much better.

This images is nicely focused and everything looks nicely coloured and not too busy. But the subject of the image isn't very interesting and would not appeal to the target audience. The image is not very eye-catching or interesting either so would not attract the reader to the magazine. The contents page may be suitable for this image but it doesn't represent the college very well as it looks old and is quite hard to read.

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