Friday 1 February 2013

Prelim: Analysis of contents pages

The masthead is big and bold so you instantly know what the page is about. The font and colour is the same as the one on the cover. This helps keep the design concordant so the magazine looks complete.

The main body of text is on the right side of the page and a large picture is on the left. This keeps the page more interesting without having lots of writing that makes it look boring. There is only small amounts of writing to summarise each topic, making finding a select topic easier.

The contents page only includes 3 colours. This follows the design of the front cover. This makes the page less confusing and makes it easier for the reader to find the topic they want to read about.

The page has one large image of the left which seems to be a representative of the magazines target audience.

The pages includes little writing. It only has small amounts of information which summarise each topic.

The masthead is not very big. This may be because it is easy enough to understand what is on the page without a title.
The main body of text is on the left side of the page and a large picture is on the right. Each section has a subtitle and a body of text explaining more detail. This allows the reader to briefly see what's in the magazine or allow more detail on a topic before they decide to read the full article.

The contents page only includes 3 colours. This makes the page less confusing and makes it easier for the reader to find the topic they want to read about.
The page has one large image of the left which seems to be a representative of the magazines target audience. He seems to follow the stereotype of "Youth is fun" as he is smiling and enjoying himself. This may show the reader that he is interested in the magazine so they also may enjoy it.

The pages includes little writing. There are short subtitles of each topic which give a brief description of each page and a large text giving more details. It only has small amounts of information which summarise each topic.

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